Friday, June 15, 2007

Could you pass Miss Hulet's class?

I gave my first "final" today, and now I am curious.

My 6th graders did pretty well. What grade would YOU get?

(Remember, no cheating!)

So, here it is. Sorry about the weird formatting, but I don't know how to connect the text file to the blog.

Mythology Final

Fill in the blanks!

Greek Name.........Roman Name.........In charge of........ Attribute
[Insert]....................Jupiter........................[insert]..................... Powerful
Hades..............[insert]..........................[insert]....................... Gloomy
Poseidon................[insert]..................... Oceans, horses...............[insert]
[insert]...............Juno............... Queen, women...............[insert]
Hermes..................[insert]..................[insert].................... Energetic
[insert]..................Vulcan ...............The forge, blacksmiths..........[insert]
[insert].................Ceres.................... Plants and the harvest........[insert]
[insert].................[insert]..............................War....................... Violent
Apollo..............[insert]......................... Sun, music................[insert]
[insert]..............Diana .......................Moon, hunting...............[insert]
[insert]..............Vesta ............................[insert].......................Gentle

Matching: Write the letter of the description that corresponds with each of the names below.
Athens .

A. Created humans and was punished for giving them fire.
B. The island kingdom of King Minos.
C. Gave string to Ariadne to help rescue the Athenian youth.
D. Goddess who jumped from Zeus's head wearing armor.
E. Giant who attempted to attack Mt. Olympus.
F. Weaver girl who was turned into a spider.
G. The “most happening” city in Greece.
H. Girl who let evil and hope into the world of men.
I. The hero who escaped the labyrinth.
J. The girl that Hades kidnapped and later married.
K. Gorgon woman whose face could turn a person to stone.
L. Titan who swallowed 5 of his children.
M. ½ man ½ bull that eats human flesh


be said...

Am I supposed to put my answers right here, or does that ruin it for everyone else?

Name.........Roman Name.........In charge of........ Attribute

Zeus....................Jupiter........................Lightning (and the other gods)..................... Powerful
Hades..............Pluto..........................Underworld/afterlife....................... Gloomy
Poseidon................Neptune..................... Oceans, horses...............?
Hera...............Juno............... Queen, women...............Jealous
Hermes..................Mercury..................People with winged shoes?.................... Energetic
Spock..................Vulcan ...............The forge, blacksmiths..........Mind-melding
?.................Ceres.................... Plants and the harvest........?
Ares.................Mars..............................War....................... Violent
Apollo..............Apollo!......................... Sun, music................?
Artemis..............Diana .......................Moon, hunting...............?
?..............Vesta ............................?.......................Gentle

Matching: Write the letter of the description that corresponds with each of the names below.

A. Created humans and was punished for giving them fire. Prometheus (Did he create them? I thought he just gave them fire.)
B. The island kingdom of King Minos. Crete
C. Gave string to Ariadne to help rescue the Athenian youth. Daedylus?
D. Goddess who jumped from Zeus's head wearing armor. Athena
E. Giant who attempted to attack Mt. Olympus. Otos
F. Weaver girl who was turned into a spider. Arachne
G. The "most happening" city in Greece. Athens?
H. Girl who let evil and hope into the world of men. Pandora (I think mosquitoes are her fault, too)
I. The hero who escaped the labyrinth Theseus?
J. The girl that Hades kidnapped and later married. Persephone
K. Gorgon woman whose face could turn a person to stone.Medusa
L. BYU timeclock software and NYC corner gyro stand. Kronos
M. ½ man ½ bull that eats human flesh Minotaur

Russ said...

Wow, Bryant! That's better than the entire Andrews family could do collectively. Nice work.

*star said...


Greek Name...Roman Name...In charge of... Attribute

[Zeus]..Jupiter..[King,Thunder].. Powerful

Hades..[Pluto]...[Underworld]... Gloomy

Poseidon...[Neptune]... Oceans, horses...[A “loner”]

[Hera]...Juno... Queen, women...[Jealous]

Hermes...[Mercury]...[Messengers+Thieves]... Energetic

[Hephaestus]...Vulcan ...The forge, blacksmiths...[Hard worker]

[Demeter]...Ceres...Plants and the harvest...[Generous]

Aphrodite...Venus...[Love]...[Charming yet vain]

[Ares]...[Mars]...War... Violent

Apollo...[Apollo]...Sun, music...[Proud]

[Artemis]...Diana ...Moon, hunting...[Independent]

[Hestia]...Vesta ...[hearth+ home]...Gentle

Matching: Write the letter of the description that corresponds with each of the names below.
Athena D
Arachne F
Kronos L
Medusa K
Crete B
Prometheus A
Persephone J
Minotaur M
Otos E
Theseus I
Athens . G
Daedylus C
Pandora H

A. Created humans and was punished for giving them fire.
B. The island kingdom of King Minos.
C. Gave string to Ariadne to help rescue the Athenian youth.
D. Goddess who jumped from Zeus's head wearing armor.
E. Giant who attempted to attack Mt. Olympus.
F. Weaver girl who was turned into a spider.
G. The “most happening” city in Greece.
H. Girl who let evil and hope into the world of men.
I. The hero who escaped the labyrinth.
J. The girl that Hades kidnapped and later married.
K. Gorgon woman whose face could turn a person to stone.
L. Titan who swallowed 5 of his children.
M. ½ man ½ bull that eats human flesh

*star said...

Bryant, congratulations! You passed my class. You got a 78 percent! (Which is actually pretty incredible for having NOT been in my class to see which words I chose as the gods' attributes.)

Gold star for you!

bec said... you give extra credit for drawing a picture you turn in with your test? I think that's how I passed most of my English classes.

Megan and Kenny said...

As of right now I might get an 80ish. But I'm kind of sleepy, and honestly I just skimmed over it. But I think I might be able to get a high B. Though sometimes I still try to say my head hurts so bad that I think Athena is about to burst out of it. (you know because she came out of Zeus's head when he had a headache) it doesn't go over well becaue I have to explain it, and I suppose it doen'st really make sense since I'm not a god. But whatever I think it's funny. because I am funny.