Thursday, October 02, 2008

Zombies are Prohibited!

I am going to make a somewhat embarrassing confession.

I have a problem.

I have this bizarre habit of imagining what I would do in case of some kind of apocalyptic disaster.

While in the car, I examine neighborhoods, mapping routes in my head to see where I would find water, grow food, and base a defensive stronghold.

When in people's houses, I imagine what it would take to fortify the house. I find myself frowning at large windows because they would be difficult to cover successfully. I also don't like doors with big glass panels in them. If the zombies/crazies/bad guys came, it would be difficult to seal your house off quickly.

I figure out hiding places in my house, so that if unwanted characters ever came into my house, I would have several clever places to conceal myself.

I think about this more than is healthy. I would say it crosses my mind at least once a week.

I apparently need to lay off the postapocalyptic media...maybe permanently.

At least I haven't built a bomb shelter in the backyard!