Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Forecast: Snow

Sometimes I have to smile when people complain about the weather in Provo. Don't get me wrong. I too have dealt the annoyance of icy car windshields and slick sidewalks on campus. I am just as anxious for Spring as the next guy. But when my family sends me pictures from home (like this view from the cabin's back door), I start to think that things could be a lot worse.


Goggles Piasano Ritardo said...

reminds me of the shining.

be said...

I think that's a picture of someone infected with the Black Oil. Whoever took this picture probably has some serious radiation burns now.

Russ said...

Guilty as charged.

kel said...

What's "the Black Oil"? Anyway, that picture rocks, Star. You could dig some serious snow forts in there.

be said...

Russ, are you guilty of complaining about the snow or of being infected with the Black Oil?

kel said...

Am I the only one who doesn't know what the Black Oil is and why we feel the need to capitalize it??

Ronnie said...

I had the Black Oil one time. I got it in Antarctica while looking for pyramids.

be said...

That's why we're friends, Ronnie. Because you're the enemy of my enemy.

kel said...

You guys suck. Way to leave me out of the loop! So I don't watch X-files, so I'm a big loser huh? I'm on the outside & I'm lookin in...

Hehe. Just kidding. But I still don't know what it is.

James said...

Looks a lot like the creepy glowing fridge dimension where Zool comes from in GhostBusters.

Megan and Kenny said...

Wow. That is a lot of snow. Your crazy Island Park.