So I tore my ACL a few months back, and my day of surgical reckoning has come and gone. This entire experience has been quite educational. I now know that jello and backless gowns are not just hospital urban legends. Morphene, while interesting, really should be avoided whenever possible. Leg braces are evil. So are crutches. And stairs. And when my foot swells up, it definitely resembles a walrus flipper.
Needless to say, I've found myself with some spare time recently. This is how I've been trying to fill it:
Number of Movies Watched: 30 something
Books Read:
Mio, My Son, A Man For All Seasons, Walk Two Moons, Pathki Nana, Kim, Mere Christianity, and part of Jesus the ChristConsecutive Days Without A Shower: 6
Hours Spent With Leg Attached to Ironing Board (CPM Machine): 18
So I'm in the market for new forms of entertainment. Any recommendations for books and/or movies would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.